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Superstar's super line: Pera ketta odane chumma adhurudhilla!

Releasing on June 15: Sivaji, The Boss

Calvin quote unquote
Calvin: I'm a simple man, Hobbes.
Hobbes: You?? Yesterday you wanted a nuclear powered car that could turn into a jet with laser-guided heat-seeking missiles!
Calvin: I'm a simple man with complex tastes.
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'The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy', by Douglas Adams
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Morning musings
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
1. I tried to squeeze face cream back into it's tube this morning. I seriously don't know what I was thinking.

2. There's a wind chime (with Mickey Mouse, for cryin' out loud) tied to the ceiling in my workplace. FYI, the room is completely air-conditioned, with only one main exit, one fire exit and no windows (or if you're feeling exceptionally d'uh this morning, I mean to say that there is absolutely no wind or breeze or anything of that sort which would make the wind chime move). I want to be there when the chime chimes!

3. If you're wondering how I tried to squeeze the face cream back in: stop it! We all have our moments. And if you know me personally, you're forbidden to ask me about this.

4. I spent a good (no pun intended) 20 minutes this morning watching an exclusive interview with Jade Goody. Seems one of her aims is to scale the highest peak in the world and she couldn't remember what it was called. She also thinks Mona Lisa was painted by a guy called Pistachio. O for the love of God!!!

5. If you read the above and don't know who Jade Goody is, you've spent enough time in the jungle, catch the next flight back to civilization.

6. Shahrukh is awesome with the new KBC. I think it has a lot to do with the fact that he is not trying to be an Amitabh. Although, I did wish he was not one of those typical north indians who think all south indians live on idli sambhar. FYI, we're also famous for Hyderabadi Biryani, Chettinad Chicken, Bisibela bath and Kappa-Meen Curry, not to mention the hazaar types of desserts and sweets. Just FYI.

7. Shahrukh cannot speak Telugu even if his life depended on it. Throwing together a couple of words ending with 'ndu' and 'lu' does not constitute Telugu. Even if you're Shahrukh.

8. I tried answering one of those viewer questions - the SMS didn't go through and I was too lazy to pick up the landline phone and try calling! So, that's one genius who lost her chance to be on the show. Unfair life. And stupid phones!

9. I watched BBC for a while. Reminded me how news channels should be. What they do on the Indian News channels these days is nothing short of a circus.

10. Municipal elections are happening in Bombay, it seems. You would think the entire planet revolves around Bombay and not the sun. And only Bombay has a municipal corporation and only they have elections.


posted by Priya Arun @ 10:16 AM  
  • At January 24, 2007 1:02 PM, Blogger Shiva said…

    I thought NDTV is comparable with BBC. Is it not?

    When Bush thinks US is the world and sun revolves around US, I think Mumbai can think of itself as the world. Politics is dirty everywhere.

    That was a good piece on the south indian cuisine

  • At January 24, 2007 4:09 PM, Blogger Venki said…

    Your point on the news channels of india was absolutely correct, spot on.. they are trying to commercialize things rather than the prime purpose of news which happens to be dissemination of information!! masala everywhere now masala in news too..

  • At January 25, 2007 2:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    How could you spend 20 mins watching an interview with Jade goody?

    You pity Ms. Shetty?

  • At January 25, 2007 9:00 PM, Blogger Ryan said…

    I don't know how DID you squeeze it back in?? because I had a similar experience with toothpaste!!!

  • At January 26, 2007 10:45 AM, Blogger Harish said…

    looks like u've had 2 mondays this week :)

  • At January 30, 2007 11:14 AM, Blogger Priya Arun said…

    Shiva - NDTV and BBC!! No way! None of the Indian new channels can compare to BBC. Even CNN-IBN cannot compare to its own CNN! They all suck big time.

    Venki - I hate news channels these days. Ergo, I'm a huge fan of newspapers! But not trash like Deccan Chronicle.

    Appu - Naah, I was channel surfing and ended up glued to the Jade Goody program. And no, I dont pity Shetty as much as I pity some of my friends who're there in UK and who suffer like this every single day.

    Ryan - Really? toothpaste? I haven't come to that yet ;-)

    Harish - Actually, no. Since Monday was a holiday (sankranti), Tuesday became Monday! They all suck equally though.

  • At January 31, 2007 3:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    nice post priya...
    hmmm KBC lost a genius!!!!!coz of the fone lines... next time SRK is on the show I will try intimating this to him ;D

  • At February 05, 2007 11:10 AM, Blogger Priya Arun said…

    Thanks, Geetha! Please tell SRK what happened, maybe he can help me out! :-(

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