It's that time of the year again. More specifically, OUR time of the year again!
Check out the things being planned by the Blank Noise Project in Bangalore -
This year on International women's day, March 8, Blank Noise supported by Radio Indigo invites you to WALK THE NIGHT!
We are meeting at rest house road, ( off brigade road) park at 6 30 pm. The walk begins at 7 pm. We conclude at 9 pm. All we need is you and your enthusiasm!
Please email us immediately at blurtblanknoise [at] gmail [dot] com. (Note: Please drop me a line in the comment space if you'd like to have the phone number. I'm a bit wary of putting up such information in a public blog.)
Bring along your friends, family, neighbours anyone, any age group! Fun. Thrill. Action. Guaranteed!
And if you're not a Bangalorean, then you can do this -
Last march 8 (Women'sDay), we had a blog-a-thon that asked you to blog stories of street sexual harassment. It began with an announcement on this blog that was picked up by bloggers across India, and soon in different parts of the world. We shared stories we had never shared before, sometimes stories we thought we had long forgotten, stories that we had often wanted to bury. We read each other, we linked to each other and we linked back to the Blank Noise Project blog. We were touched by each other's stories, moved by them, and, we like to imagine, drew strength and sustenance from the the long, cross-cultural chain of shared experiences.
It's this strength that we're asking you to share experiences of, on March 8th, 2007. The baton is handed over right here, right now! Announce this on your blog and on the morning of March 8th, 2007, share with us a story (or two, or five or...) of fighting back?!
When did you flip a situation so you could resist, when did you give back as hard as you got? When and how did you choose to confront? When did you become an Action Hero?
Action heroes have formed the theme of the last few Blank Noise interventions and it's this spirit we ask you to share and celebrate on March 8 , 2007!
So announce the blog-a-thon, and on March 8, share your action story!
If you are a male blogger and wondering how you fit in, tell us about an Action Hero you know!
You could also be an agent- the one that collects stories of confrontation/ of heroism from your mother, grandmother, cousins, domestic workers, people in your office, the vegetable vendor, the woman bus conductor...anyone!
To participate: 1. announce the event. 2. blog your story 3. email us about it and we will link you right away!
Please email us at blurtblanknoise [at] gmail [dot] com subject titled Action Heroes Online.
And if all this is still too much trouble or you couldn't care less, there's an even more simpler thing you can do - Hold hands with the woman you cherish most in your life and tell her how much she means to you. Could be your mother, could be your wife or girlfriend or just a friend. Could be your sister or a favorite cousin. Tell her you appreciate all that she has done for you and tell her you're always there for her, till the very end. If you can't say it to her, then write to her. Email her. Send her an SMS. Get her a Woman's Day card and don't forget to sign it. Send her flowers. Or chocolates. Anything.
Now if you still feel all these are just not your ways, well, then just spend the day with her, spend the day the way she wants to. She'll understand all those unsaid things.
Hey u want the original version ?? I downloaded the original version..The kid's voice is awesome in the original version...I could give u the original version :)
as one of my (woman) friend said "Kinda sad na? I can't understand why we woman become so blinded at times. We fall into this habit of either settling for less or sacrificing to a fault. We deserve to be treated right. Hope we all get out of this ugly trap. Let's constantly remind ourselves how special we are, because it's true. "
some men have to.. but for starters women should treat each other (mom, daughter, sister. mom-in-law, daughter-in-law, sister-inlaw) good and with respect...
Belated wishes, i tried sending this message to u sterday itself but my comp firewall wont allow me to do so, today found a new proxy to post this comment..i have a few moments to quote but i read ur post script..i am afraid of overdoing it if it do it now bsides my present situation forbids me from blogosphere.. i wil let u knw when i am done wit tat post sm time later.. once again belated wishes..
Yuva - Your friend's words are very true, and yes, as cliched as it may sound, a woman's biggest enemy most times in another woman (how many Hindi/Tamil/Telugu/Mallu soap operas haven't I seen!) And the poem on your blog was really sweet :-) Happy Women's Day to you too!
Venki - Thanks! Happy Women's Day to you too (belated!). Still struggling without a conn I see, don't worry you'll get thru soon enough. Overdoing is the bane of all romantic ideas ;-)
"Get her a Woman's Day card and don't forget to sign it. Send her flowers. Or chocolates. Anything." Needless. Respect her everyday and u dont need to do it for one day alone :-)
Disclaimer: All opinions expressed here are my own and do not represent those of my employer. The fact that a particular comment is posted on this blog does not mean that I have endorsed it in any way or verified the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any such comment. I, in no terms, shall be held responsible for/associated with the content carried by the blogs I link to.
Unfortunately I haven't come across ne 'action hero' and i haven't been one either...
Happy Woman's Day :)
Schappi the Krokodil rocks...Listen to the original version too..The kid's voice sounds damn cute :)