I logged into my Blogger account this morning to write up something good (it's kinda my stress reliever) and I was at a complete loss for words for a new post! I know this might sound funny, but..I think I've hit a writer's block ;-) Naah..I need to be a writer to have that right? So..the problem is, I haven't done anything out of the ordinary for the last few weeks, thanks to my work, so I didn't have much to write about. And I do not enjoy writing things like I got up at 7 and brushed my teeth at 7:15. I find it difficult to write when I do not enjoy writing it! I'm my biggest reader and biggest fan! (Raaji: You got it right in your Y! 360 testimonial - I know you were just being nice when you said 'subtly' impudent - I'm nowhere near subtle these days, am I?! You can write it again changing 'subtle' to 'blatant' **smile smile** Rest of the world: And you thought 'impudent' was like a compliment! )
There is this absolutely useful feature in Blogger where you can save drafts of your posts before you actually publish them. And I went back and looked at the umpteen posts that I had written at some point, but did not publish due to some reason or the other (common reason is 'coz I never felt they were interesting!). Amazingly enough, now when I read them - well, I dont know how to describe it, but..something like nostalgia (too strong a word perhaps). Most of the posts were written when I was in the US - about things I don't even remember now!
So..to do justice to my self and to my words that came out so spontaneously at one point - I'm posting some unfinished 'drafts' that talk about nothing in particular. It seems unfair that I have so many 'unpublished works' (??!!!) and go without updating my blog for the third day in a row! :-)
Mini-series in parts - 1st part:
1st December, 2005 Title: God's Debris
Things are going a bit downhill for me the last few days. Throat infections, locks that won't open, bug fix reviews that don't seem to end, deadlines that just whoosh past at the speed of light - to name a few. I did find time to read Mary Higgins Clark & Ruth Rendell and managed to scare myself out of my wits sleeping alone at night. It's just a book, I know, but it does freak me out. But then, I'll still read them! There's a thrill even in scaring yourself you know ;-) (and calling up your husband in the dead of the night because your absolutely freaked out).
I'm reading Scott Adams' God's Debris. It's a really different book and I have a feeling I might like it a lot more when I've finished it. It does require a lot of patience (which is the first time for me 'coz I'd never come across a book before that needs patience). Download the book here -http://www.andrewsmcmeel.com/godsdebris/
I'm having a lot of change in my life right now. It unnerves me a bit, 'coz it is, afterall, CHANGE! Oh, how I hate the word!
Today: For the world of me, I cannot remember what change I was talking about here!! **think think**
12th November, 2005 Title: Desperately desperate
Things are going wrong in Desperate Housewives. Susan gets dumped, Bree has no clue what she is doing...Lynette is..well, she's just behaving like any other woman would do..honestly. And Gabrielle...there's just no end to her fairy tale or her men, is there?!.. I'm only waiting to see how much more goofy things can get on Wisteria Lane. Whom do I feel sorry for? Mike, I think. You know why! And whom do I totally hate? (That's a tough one). No one actually. They are all adorable in some way or the other. Or maybe I'm a nut. I don't know which housewife I match to the most. Seriously, they are a all bit cuckoo in their heads (look who's talking!!).
I don't live in a place like Wisteria Lane. (I'm not sure if I should regret that or be thankful!) I live in a place where I don't even know the names of my neighbors. Leave alone names, I don't even know if there *are* people living next door. I'm not a bad neighbor - I'm just a very very busy neighbor. Trust me, I'm way too pre-occupied with all the things in my life that most of the times I'm just too tired to even bother.
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