Of late, I find myself in a mood for limericks about random things. Something like the original idea that Lear intended - crazy anecdotes about people who have names that rhyme with crazier words. No clue what I'm talkin' about, eh? Try this...
This is one by Lear -
There was a young lady of Wilts, Who walked up to Scotland on stilts; When they said it is shocking To show so much stocking, She answered, "Then what about kilts?"
Get the picture? :-) Now for the bad part of this post - my own limerick :-)
There was once a girl in Bloomingdale She was shopping for a dress and a veil. The dress was white, And the veil, just right - But alas, she now looked like Florence Nightingale!
I got nerve putting up my crap next to Lear, huh? Ah well..it's my blog after all - you know, MY blog..(stress on MY, ofcourse)..
It's good he died in 1888 (according to the www. If I'm wrong, you cannot sue me for this) - if he hadn't, he sure would have hung himself now.
And this is just the beginning... **evil music in background**
If you never want to come back to this blog again, I can understand. :-(
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