Get up from seat, go to the Pantry.
Take a paper cup.
Put 2 Tetley tea bags in it.
Open the sugar container, think for a minute about calories, close the box without taking any sugar cubes.
Place cup under nozzle of dispenser.
Press 'Milk without sugar'.
Remove cup before dispenser stops completely to avoid getting milkless hot water.
Swirl tea bag till the tea is a nice golden brown.
Notice that without tea bags, the quantity of tea is less than half a cup.
Take a sip.
Make a face.
Add 2 cubes of sugar and mix.
Take a sip.
Make a face.
Chuck the cup (with tea) in the trash can next to the dispenser.
Curse dispenser and the milk powder.
Go back to seat without tea.Labels: everyday_happenings, just_a_ramble |